Maja Filipovska

Maja Filipovska

Szakértő és kutató

Maja Filipovska was born in 1988 in Belgrade, Serbia. In September 2006 she starts her bachelor studies at the Institute of Special Education and Rehabilitation at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje. She finished her studies in 2010 as the best student for the generation of 2006/2007. In August 2010 she began her master studies at the University of Oslo, Faculty of Education, Department for Special Needs Education. After the successful completion of the semester abroad, she defended her master's thesis in the field of inclusion of hearing impaired students in October 2012, at the Institute for Special Education and Rehabilitation at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje. After her master’s degree (2013) she was hired as a demonstrator at the home institute for the subjects Early Intervention and Education of Children with Hearing Impairments, Deaf Education, Sign Language, and Working Methods for persons with Severe and Combined Disabilities. From September 2016 she is hired as an associate librarian, as well as coordinator for the bachelor, master and PhD study programs at the Institute of Special Education and Rehabilitation.

Since October 2017 she is a PhD student at the Institute of Special Education and Rehabilitation at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje. The PhD thesis that she is currently working on is in the field of specific learning difficulties. She speaks English fluently and has participated in several national and international projects regarding inclusive education and assistive technology for persons with dyslexia.