Damjan Nikolovski

Damjan Nikolovski

Project manager and expert

Damjan Nikolovski is a graduate economist and president of the Einstein Dyslexia Association Skopje since 2015. He started his work experience as a volunteer in several civil society organizations, and in 2015 he became actively involved as a volunteer in the Einstein Association. At the very beginning, the Association started with active organization of educational seminars in order to educate the teaching staff about dyslexia, which at that moment is an almost unknown situation in the country. At the end of 2015, he was elected president by the assembly of the Association.

In his work experience, he was a project coordinator of more than 25 internationally funded projects for specific learning difficulties and brings the greatest credit for the significant raising of public awareness about specific learning difficulties in the Republic of North Macedonia.

He is the author and co-author of several publications related to dyslexia and specific learning difficulties, among which the most important are:

  • How the DyslexicFZF font affects reading in students with dyslexia – 2019 Nikolovski, Karovska Ristovska, Filipovska
  • The prevalence of dyslexia among high school students in the Republic of Macedonia – 2018 Nikolovski, Surbanovska, Tasevska
  • Is the Macedonian society ready to meet with the needs of people with dyslexia – 2018 Nikolovski, Naumovska
  • Dyslexia (NO) recognized by the institutions – 2018 Nikolovski

He has participated in several scientific conferences in which he has published several scientific papers.

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